Improving Manufacturing Efficiencies By Defining Value In Scaling Your AI Capabilities In Order To Manage Future Disruption. 

September 8| 11:25am - 12:30pm AEST | 9:25am - 11:00am SGT |ONLINE

Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing 2021

The manufacturing industry across APAC has seen quite a large pivot towards digital and industry 4.0 in recent years, however COVID-19 has highlighted the issues that plague operations, including predictive forecasting, flexibility, and optimization. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are essential tools in digital transformation, from preventing disruptions and downtime to improving inventory management and product quality.

Join manufacturing professionals from around APAC, as we cut through the hype to provide a comprehensive program from identifying first steps in AI integration, to expansion and improving ROI. All with the goal to help manufacturers reduce costs and gain a competitive edge.

With that being said, IQPC Australia is excited to announce the AI in Manufacturing Virtual Event, which will take place on September 8, 2021. Taking into consideration the emergence of new technologies over the past 12 months, the AI in Manufacturing Virtual Event will deep dive into use cases around how businesses can scale and mature their AI infrastructure in order to manage disruption and increased inflow of products.

If you are looking to drive the implementation of AI in your organisations operations, and scale the efficiencies of your people and processes through technology then register today. 

Featured Speakers:

Key Learnings You Will Take Away From This Virtual Event:

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How to leverage and accelerate AI maturity in your operations? 

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How to accelerate and get value from implementing AI to improve predictive forecasting and maintenance of production lines.

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Understand how AI can improving efficiency through automated compliance processing.

Who Should Attend?
Heads/Directors/General Managers/Managers/Leads of:

Chief Procurement Officers 
AI & Automation 

Data Analytics

Digital Transformation

How it works:


Step 1:
Click on any of the register buttons on this page. Enter your information and secure your place


Step 3: Schedule Time
Mark some time in your calendar when you can be free of distractions or watch with colleagues


Step 2: Confirmation Email
This will be dispatched upon registration with details about the event


Step 4: Tune in for the LIVE webinar!
Click the link in the confirmation email and prepare questions for our industry-leading speakers

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