Improving Manufacturing Efficiencies By Defining Value In Scaling Your AI Capabilities In Order To Manage Future Disruption. 

September 8| 11:25am - 12:30pm AEST | 9:25am - 11:00am SGT |ONLINE

Andrew Spence

National Manager Operations and Supply Chain BlueScope

Day 1: September 8

12:00 PM How to Leverage AI to Solve Manufacturing’s Agility Crisis in The Digital Age of COVID-19

For decades, the supply chain discipline has focused optimization practices on optimizing for cost and just-in-time processes. However, it has taken a global pandemic to force the manufacturing industry into huge digital transformation initiatives. Leaders are re-designing their engineering and operational processes for agility to better capitalize on opportunities and mitigate risks across every single point in the value chain and customer journey.  

In this presentation, we will cover how modern AI and digital transformation in the manufacturing industry can unlock a new era of operational agility for manufacturers in 2021 and beyond.  

  • Understanding how AI can be implemented at every point in the value chain to improve operational efficiency and customer experience. 
  • Identifying opportunity to scale your AI across the business to improve operational resilience, particularly in a time of scaled digital transformation. 
  • Implementing AI strategy and industry 4.0 tools whilst operations are mostly or entirely remote.