The Data & IT Expo Day 1

Harnessing data and cross-channel integration to maximise customer insights and build trust

The Data & IT Expo | Day One | Wed 18 September 2024

9:15 am - 9:30 am Conference opening | Opening remarks from The Data & IT Expo Chair

9:30 am - 10:00 am From Threat to Trust: Exploring best practices for securing your organisation and data against cyber threats

Jihad Zein - Global Head of governance, risk and assurance group IT, Toll

  • Navigating the continuously changing cyber threat environment and examining the most recent trends in online fraud including AI-powered attacks 
  • Understanding the expanding scope of regulatory frameworks and their implications 
  • Establishing digital trust by addressing cyber risks and safeguarding customer data 

Jihad Zein

Global Head of governance, risk and assurance group IT

  • Developing internal policies and training programs to promote data literacy and collaboration across teams 
  • Integrating data governance frameworks to ensure security, compliance, and ethical use of shared data 
  • Facilitating cross-functional workshops and knowledge-sharing sessions to maximize the value of shared data across the organization 

Andrew Spiegelman

Head of Data Analytics
Service NSW


Jihad Zein

Global Head of governance, risk and assurance group IT


Devi Rajcoomarsing

Senior Manager Enterprise Change and Transformation
Transport for NSW

10:40 am - 11:10 am Networking Break

11:20 am - 11:50 am Case Study | Leveraging Data and AI for Process Automation and Insight Generation

Nipun Sharma - Enterprise data analytics and AI architect, Komatsu Australia
  • Utilising data and AI to transform business processes, enabling organisations to automate routine tasks and focus on higher-value activities 
  • Understand the steps involved in developing AI models that can automate processes, including data collection, model training, and deployment 
  • Learning how advanced data analytics can uncover hidden patterns, trends, and insights that drive strategic decision-making and enhance business outcomes 
  • How Komatsu uses data and AI to automate processes, reduce costs, and improve efficiency, while also gaining actionable insights 

Nipun Sharma

Enterprise data analytics and AI architect
Komatsu Australia

11:50 am - 12:20 pm Hiring and retaining top data talent: An employee experience perspective for senior data & IT leaders

Andrew Spiegelman - Head of Data Analytics, Service NSW

  • Crafting job ads that stand out and attract diverse talent, moving beyond generic templates and ensuring inclusivity to avoid alienating qualified candidates who may not fit traditional profiles 
  • Discovering strategies to make job ads more inclusive, reducing the focus on lengthy qualification lists and encouraging applications from a diverse range of candidates 
  • Understanding what motivates and engages data professionals, particularly after their first 2-3 years at your organisation to ensure that you are retaining your top talent 
  • Keeping data talent motivated with interesting projects, and aligning their work with their professional interests and growth opportunities 

Andrew Spiegelman

Head of Data Analytics
Service NSW

12:20 pm - 12:50 pm Case Study | How Healthscope transformed their Patient Experience through qualitative and quantitative data-driven insights

Anita Hodge - National Manager Reported Experience and Outcomes, Healthscope
  • Implementing open-ended comment style questions in patient discharge surveys to gain unique insights and context for NPS scores 
  • Learn how analysing patient comments alongside data analytics helps uncover key emotional drivers behind patient experience scores, enabling hospitals to address core issues effectively 
  • Exploring how these innovative strategies have led to a 25% improvement in NPS and patient experience scores, illustrating the impact of comprehensive feedback analysis on hospital performance 

Anita Hodge

National Manager Reported Experience and Outcomes

12:50 pm - 1:30 pm Networking Break

1:30 pm - 2:00 pm Leveraging Explainable AI for Actionable Insights and CX Improvements

Amin Sadri - Principal Data Scientist, ANZ
  •  Utilising data-driven insights to gain actionable insights that improve customer experience and product offerings, addressing key challenges posed by the executive team 
  • Understand the importance of AI systems that justify their answers, making insights more persuasive and understandable for managers and decision-makers 
  • Learn from real-life examples of how explainable AI has been applied to enhance decision-making processes and drive strategic improvements

Amin Sadri

Principal Data Scientist

2:00 pm - 2:30 pm Case Study | How Lovisa crafts a data-driven communications strategy through their emails, SMS and push notifications

Matthew Stuckings - CRM & Data Manager, Lovisa


  • Integrating data from various sources that creates a cohesive communication strategy optimising the various channels that your organisation uses for increased customer engagement 
  • Using data analysics to tailor communications ensuring that the right message reaches the right customer at the right time through the most effective channel 
  • Using data insights to track and analyse the performance of different marketing strategies interate to maximise effectiveness 

Matthew Stuckings

CRM & Data Manager

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm Leveraging Data and AI Models for Enhanced Customer Insights and CX

Mahsa Zameni - Principal Data Scientist, NAB
  • Exploring the foundational steps in creating and deploying data and AI models within an organization, understanding key considerations and overcoming commonly faced challenges 
  • Leveraging advanced data models to enable faster decision-making, create personalised customer experiences and provide a competitive advantage by swiftly responding to market changes and customer needs 
  • Discovering the uses of data models to automate manual tasks, increase productivity, reduce costs and gain actionable customer insights, thereby transforming your organisation’s customer experience 

Mahsa Zameni

Principal Data Scientist


  • Implementing unified customer identity management to maintain consistency across channels and touchpoints 
  • Optimising cross-channel marketing campaigns based on insights derived from integrated data 
  • Measuring cross-channel attribution to understand the impact of integrated strategies on customer engagement and conversion rates 

Matthew Stuckings

CRM & Data Manager


Nipun Sharma

Enterprise data analytics and AI architect
Komatsu Australia


Anita Hodge

National Manager Reported Experience and Outcomes

4:10 pm - 4:20 pm End of Day One | Closing remarks from The Data & IT Expo Chair