The Data & IT Expo Day 2

Harnessing data and cross-channel integration to maximise customer insights and build trust

The Data & IT Expo | Day Two | Thu 19 September 2024

9:45 am - 10:00 am Start of Day Two | Opening remarks from The Data & IT Expo Chair

10:00 am - 10:30 am Case Study | How Good 360 is revolutionising their digital infrastructure to enhance the customer experience and operational efficiency

Letitia Shepherd - Head of Digital, Good360 Australia

  • Rebuilding your organisation’s IT infrastructure and navigating the challenges of implementing a new e-commerce platform, including the front-end implementation, data imports and integration to ensure a user-friendly interface 
  • Developing a digital strategy for your organisation that seamlessly integrates CX, Marketing and data/IT systems, leveraging technology to optimise donor interactions, streamline the marketplace and improve membership experiences 
  • Achieving integration between your e-commerce and data platforms to handle increased data volume and product turnover efficiently, reduce manual work and enhance operational efficiency 

Letitia Shepherd

Head of Digital
Good360 Australia

  • Exploring techniques for analysing consolidated customer data to gain deep insights into preferences and behaviours 
  • Enhancing customer segmentation and targeting through actionable insights derived from unified customer profiles 
  • Optimising marketing strategies and communication channels to deliver relevant and personalized experiences that drive engagement and loyalty 

Fahad Zulfiqar

Service Integration Manager


Jasmyne Munro

Head of Customer Experience
Lake Macquarie City Council


Denise Tung

Chief Digital Officer
McMillan Shakespeare

11:00 am - 11:30 am Networking Break

11:30 am - 12:00 pm Governing through a security crisis – strategies for executives and boards

Gaurav Vikash - Head of Security and Risk APAC, Axon


  • Role of the Execs and Boards in a data and system extortion crisis, including ongoing oversight of the ‘long tail’ of post-incident risk, legal actions, and regulatory investigations 
  • Key strategies and best practices for Execs and Boards to navigate and manage a cyber crisis to ensure business continuity and organisational resilience in both short and long terms 
  • Maintaining continuity in customer service experiences and operations in the event of a cyber crisis 


Gaurav Vikash

Head of Security and Risk APAC

12:00 pm - 12:30 pm Case Study | How Healthscope transformed their Patient Experience through qualitative and quantitative data-driven insights

Anita Hodge - National Manager Reported Experience and Outcomes, Healthscope
  • Implementing open-ended comment style questions in patient discharge surveys to gain unique insights and context for NPS scores 
  • Learn how analysing patient comments alongside data analytics helps uncover key emotional drivers behind patient experience scores, enabling hospitals to address core issues effectively 
  • Exploring how these innovative strategies have led to a 25% improvement in NPS and patient experience scores, illustrating the impact of comprehensive feedback analysis on hospital performance 

Anita Hodge

National Manager Reported Experience and Outcomes

12:30 pm - 1:00 pm Case Study | How the Lake Macquarie City Council utilised customer insights to increase the accessibility of their services and digital channels

Jasmyne Munro - Head of Customer Experience, Lake Macquarie City Council

• Increasing the accessibility of customer data to council staff to make full use of available information and enhance your entire staff’s capabilities to generate their own customer insights 

• Utilising customer insights to design services that meet the accessibility needs of our customers 

• Assessing website activity and introducing web chat services to aid constituents on high-traffic pages 


Jasmyne Munro

Head of Customer Experience
Lake Macquarie City Council

1:00 pm - 1:30 pm Networking Break

1:30 pm - 2:00 pm Adoption of Safe and Responsible AI: Ensuring Ethics, Compliance and Governance towards Customer Experience

Dr. Mahendra Samarawickrama - Committee Member, Artificial Intelligence Standards Committee and Global AI Ethics Institute

  • Preparation for emerging EU AI Act and other compliances focusing on Safe and Responsible AI 
  • Setting risk appetite on AI governance towards trust and customer experience 
  • Understanding the principles of safe and responsible AI aligned with regulatory and voluntary requirements  
  • Adaptation of AI standards and frameworks for success in Safe and Responsible AI 

Dr. Mahendra Samarawickrama

Committee Member
Artificial Intelligence Standards Committee and Global AI Ethics Institute

2:00 pm - 2:30 pm Navigating a new world : The privacy and experience tightrope

Tim Armstrong - Director Digital Capability and Data, Nova Entertainment

  • Understanding what privacy changes means to your business
  • The impacts of a changed privacy landscape on your ability to deliver personalised experiences
  • How we balance privacy and experience
  • Ways to develop strategies and tactics for building trust through privacy first data practices

Tim Armstrong

Director Digital Capability and Data
Nova Entertainment

2:30 pm - 2:40 pm End of Conference | Closing remarks from The Data & IT Expo Chair