Adam Dixson

Chief Marketing Officer Navy Health

The Marketing Fest Day 1

12:00 PM Case Study | Rebranding Navy Health: Using art and science to reposition the brand to appeal to a broader target market

  • Is marketing an art or a science? This case study shows how the right combination of strategy and design is delivering a new brand for Navy health that is creating distinction, differentiation and a pathway to growing beyond a niche market 
  • The Science: Understanding the strategic process behind repositioning Navy Health - the data, consumer behaviour, and theory that drove the change 
  • The Art: Utilising refreshed symbolism, colour, imagery and messaging - the creativity and emotional resonance behind the redesign 
  • The Test Lab: Engaging extensively with current and prospective customers to test, learn and gain insights that inform and refine your brand strategy 

3:30 PM Panel Discussion | Building brand love and retention through social media content and community

  • Developing social media content strategies that deliver fun and engaging content that resonates with your audience, and strikes the right balance between educating and entertaining 
  • Cultivating a sense of belonging and community through social media groups and utilising this as an additional way to deliver value to your customers  
  • Leveraging organic social media to educate and influence your market about the benefits your product whilst building brand love and loyalty 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Adam.

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