Denise Tung

Chief Digital Officer McMillan Shakespeare

The Customer Show Day 2

3:00 PM Panel discussion | Leveraging and engaging effectively with leadership to drive improved CX outcomes in your organisation

  • Effectively engaging and influencing senior leadership to gain sponsorship for CX transformation projects and initiatives 
  • Demonstrating the alignment of CX initiatives with organisational goals and the potential for long-term value creation to gain organisational buy-in 
  • Understanding and leveraging your personal brand to accurately represent and drive CX changes 
  • Ensuring continuous support and investment from leadership by representing data points effectively and highlighting the tangible value and ROI of CX initiatives to stakeholders 

The Data & IT Expo Day 2

10:30 AM Panel discussion | Utilising comprehensive customer profiles for enhanced understanding and engagement

  • Exploring techniques for analysing consolidated customer data to gain deep insights into preferences and behaviours 
  • Enhancing customer segmentation and targeting through actionable insights derived from unified customer profiles 
  • Optimising marketing strategies and communication channels to deliver relevant and personalized experiences that drive engagement and loyalty 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Denise.

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