Ellyce Horan

Marketing Manager Incu

The Marketing Fest Day 1

3:30 PM Panel Discussion | Building brand love and retention through social media content and community

  • Developing social media content strategies that deliver fun and engaging content that resonates with your audience, and strikes the right balance between educating and entertaining 
  • Cultivating a sense of belonging and community through social media groups and utilising this as an additional way to deliver value to your customers  
  • Leveraging organic social media to educate and influence your market about the benefits your product whilst building brand love and loyalty 

The Marketing Fest Day 2

12:30 PM Case Study | Incu’s journey of elevating their digital presence to strengthen brand recognition and reach

  • Empowering staff across your organisation to contribute effectively towards social media content creation through training initiatives 
  • Incorporating diverse opinions and inputs into your social media strategy whilst maintaining consistency across your digital channels 
  • Creating strong and ongoing alignment between your social media presence and your brand, ensuring that this does not get sidelined in the pursuit of engagement metrics and KPIs 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Ellyce.

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