October 27, 2022
Online From 8.50 AM to 11:00 AM Australian Eastern Standard Time

Driving Holistic & Meaningful Customer Impact Through the Right Experience Strategies

Customer Experience Leaders are facing their biggest challenge yet … how to unite the entire organisation and deliver on your customer promise every single time. For many companies, their internal processes has undergone significant change. Roles continue to evolve, pivot and expand, with new teams created every day to cater to shifts in customer expectations.

The Customer Show Virtual Edition will give you an inside teaser into the challenges (and solutions) businesses are focused on improving. Designed for anyone who plays an active or passive role in CX, register today and learn how to drive a unified CX voice across all departments!

Register Today & Learn How To:


Integrate CX Organisation-Wide and Ensure It's Embedded Across The Whole Business


Invest In The Right Technologies and Service to Drive A More Productive CX Driven Workforce


Deliver Personalised Customer Journey's Through Amalgamating The Right Data & Insights


Maintaining A Loyal Customer Base Through Driving Transparent Marketing Communication Strategies

The virtual Agenda

  • Opening Remarks from Show Director, Mary Anne Ghobrial 8:50 am - 9:00 am
  • Future of CX: Finding a Home for Customer Experience: Why Every Voice Matters in The Bid for CX Transformation 9:00 am - 9:30 am
  • Future of Employee Experience: Investing in the Right Technologies and Services to Drive a More Productive CX-Driven Workforce 9:30 am - 10:00 am
  • Future of Insights: Delivering a Personalised Customer Journey Through the Right Data & Insights 10:00 am - 10:30 am
  • Closing Remarks & Final Thoughts 10:30 am - 10:40 am

Meet The Speakers

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